Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'm suffering from a lack of inspiration! I barely scraped this menu together. Hope it helps some of you. I'd love to see what you are feeding your families this week.

M - Pizza
T - French Dip
W - Chunky Onion Chicken
Th - Leftover Soup
F - Fish
S - Tortilla Soup with Avocado
S - Out
M - Orange Cashew Chicken and Rice
T - Turkey Burgers
W - Hamburger Pie
Th - Fish
F - Chicken with Sun Dried Tomatoes


Trent-n-Lynne said...

I posted my past couple of weeks in Andrea's menu's comments. Hope it helps!

Rose Family said...

Jenny, I'd love your onion soup recipe!

Seth & Andrea Cook said...

Can you tell me about orange cashew chicken and rice? Sounds YUMMY!

Jenny Trent said...

Thanks Lynn. I checked it out. Looks yummy.

Kirsten - I actually don't have an onion soup recipe... Are you thinking of someone else? If I ever come up with a good one, I'll make sure you get it. ;-)

Andrea - Yeah... that orange cashew chicken and rice was a new recipe. Turned out not to be so good. I won't be making it again. I was bummed, because it looked so good.